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凡红,女,博士,教授,爱尔兰国立科克大学中国研究院院长,博士生导师,国际体育教育联合会性别、平等与体育委员会委员,曾任国际奥委会反兴奋剂机构道德与教育委员会学术部主席。主要研究领域是体育史、体育社会学和体育伦理学。主要社会兼职The International Journal of the History of Sport (国际体育史杂志) 编辑,Sports Studies Journal (体育学杂志) 编委,International Encyclopaedia of Women and Sport (国际妇女体育百科全书) 编委。 代表作:1 Footbinding, Feminism and Freedom: The Liberation of Women’s Bodies in Modern China[J],Frank Cass,1997;2 Freeing the Female Body: Inspirational Icons[J],Frank Cass,2002;3 Sport in Asian Society: Past and Present[J],Frank Cass 2003;4 Women, Soccer, Sexual Liberation: Kicking off A New Era t[J],Frank Cass 2003;5Modern Sport: the Global Obsession: Politics, Class, Religion, Gender[J],Routledge,2005;6 Sport, Nationalism and Orientalism: The Asian Games[J],Routledge,2006;7 Doping in Sport: Global Ethical Issue (with Angela Schneider) [J],Routledge,2007;8 China Gold: China’s Quest for Global Power and Olympic Glory with Duncan Mackey and Karen Christensen[M],Berkshire Publishing Group,2007;9 体育权利论[M],四川科技出版社,2008 2008年12月1日 |
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