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许小静1,崔祝2 |
浏览次数 36181
(重庆大学 体育部;2重庆大学 出版社,重庆 400044) 摘要:从篮球运动众多技、战术内容中对影响运动员篮板球对抗能力的因素进行探讨,认为要提高篮板球的控制能力,必须合理运用主动对抗战术,提高中锋篮板球控制能力,并加强基本功、身体素质、心理素质的锻炼。 关键词:篮板球;控制能力;篮球运动 中图分类号:G841.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0068-02 |
Factors under controlling rebounds and the researchon ris ing the ability of controlling rebounds XU Xiao-jing1, CUI Zhu2 |
(1.Division of Physical Education, Chongqing Unviersity; 2.Press,Chongqing University,Chongqing 400044,China) Abstract: Along with the development of the modern basketb all sports, There are more demand on synthetic skill ability of the sportsman. Some approaches that rise controlling rebounds ability are raised on research in the thesis. Key words: rebounds;controlling ability;basketball sports |
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