(School of Physical Education,Nantong College,Nantong 226007,China) Abstract: Regular High School Physical Education and Health Curriculum Standards only sees the function on develop-ing stamina, but neglects the difference between “health related stamina” and “sports skill related stamina” in terms of promoting health, makes the setup of one-credit-hour required track and field modules become expedients for stamina de-velopment, which has greatly diminished the significance of required track and field module setup. Therefore, the author proposed to cancel required track and field modules, reset required scientific fit-keeping modules, systematically introduce the concept of “health related stamina” at the same time of scientific fit-keeping, so that high school students have an ade-quate understanding of such a concept, and in the mean time, let the concept of health related stamina, the means, methods and requirements for scientific fit-keeping go through the entire process of high school physical education learning. Key words: school physical education;required high school track and field module;curriculum setup |