Research on the relationship between the sports morals and general morals of university students of physical education major ZHU Da-peng1,2,CHEN Ming-hui3,YE Na1 (1.Department of Psychology,College of Health of Science,Wuhan Sport University,Wuhan 430079,China;2.Hubei Exercise Training and Monitoring Key Lab,Wuhan Sport University,Wuhan 430079,China; 3.College of Marxist,Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070,China) Abstract: The authors carried out a questionnaire survey on 479 university students of physical education major, so as to verify the relationship between the sports morals and general morals of university student of physical education major in terms of intention, judgment and behavior. The results indicate the followings: 1) in sports scenarios and general scenarios, the moral intentions, moral judgment and moral behaviors of antisocial behaviors as well as prosocial behaviors of univer-sity students of physical education major were significantly different; 2) the scores of male university student of physical education major in the moral intentions and moral behaviors of antisocial behaviors in sports scenarios and the moral in-tentions of prosocial behaviors in general scenarios were significantly higher than those of female students; their score in moral judgment of antisocial behaviors in sports scenarios was significantly lower than that of female students; 3) the scores of university students in body contesting events in moral intentions and moral behaviors of antisocial behaviors in sports scenarios as well as prosocial behaviors were significantly higher than those of university students in non body con-testing events, their score in moral judgment was significantly lower than that of university students in non body contesting events; 4) there was a significant positive correlation between the sports morals and general morals of university students of physical education major, sports morals had a significant positive prediction effect on general morals. Key words: university student of physical education major;sports moral;general moral;moral intention;moral judgment;moral behavior