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(娄底师范高等专科学校 体卫系,湖南 娄底 417000) 摘要:为深化学校体育改革,改善学校体育教学条件,推动健身活动的开展,根据学校体育经费不足、体育场地、设施较差的现实情况,学校设立了体育锻炼发展基金,基本上解决了体育经费不足的矛盾,达到了改善体育教学条件,丰富校园健身活动的目的。 关键词:学校体育;体育基金;体育经费 中图分类号:G80-05文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2001)01-0045-02 |
Physical training fund:the breakthrough point of collecting money for physical education at colleges XIONG Mao-xiang,YAN Xian-zhong(Loudi Teachers' College,Loudi 417000,China) |
Abstract:Owing to the lack of money,poor places and equipment,our college has set up the physical train development fund for the purpose of intensifying its reform,improving its teaching condition,promoting its development,thus settled the contradiction of not having enough money,achieved its goal of improving its teaching condition and enriching campus physical training. Key words:school physical training;physical training fund;physical training outlay
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