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张爱玲,熊飞,胡建昌,张新辉 |
浏览次数 36361
(新疆石河子大学 体育系,新疆 石河子832003) 摘要:创造力、主体需要、群体压力是影响审美能力实现的因素。从功能实现的角度探讨审美能力的培养,推动体育与审美教育的有机统一,强调审美教育突出人的自我意识的开发,人的自由全面的发展,人的自身文化价值的主体地位等方面,培养“反思的人”是其的任务和目标。 关键词:体育;审美能力 中图分类号:G802文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2001)01-0047-02 |
Factors of affecting the realization of physical culture aesthetic capability ZHANG Ai-ling,XIONG Fei,Hu Jian-chang,ZHANG Xin-hui |
(Department of Physical Education,Shihezi University,Shihezi 832003,China) Abstract:Creativity,subjective demand and group pressure affect the realization of physical aesthetic capability.This paper deals with the development of students'aesthetic capability through the angle of functional realization,promoting the organic unity of physical culture and aesthetical education. Key words:physical culture;aesthetic capability |
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