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谭希颖,王正树,曹平 |
浏览次数 36325
(大连理工大学 体育教学部,辽宁 大连 116023) 摘要:运用体育数理统计方法,对中日大学生在体育教学、运动与健康等问题的认识进行了比较,得出中日大学生之间存在明显差异,反映出我国体育教学中教书育人已取得明显收效。文中还提出在体育教学中,提高学生对体育教学效果、运动与健康的认识是必须重视的问题。 关键词:中日大学生;体育教学;运动与健康 中图分类号:G807.4文献标识码:B文章编号:1006-7116(2001)01-0085-02 |
Comparison between Chinese and Japanese Collegian's Knowledge of Physical Education Exercises and health Tan Xi-ying,WANG Zheng-shu,CAO Ping |
(Divison of Physical Education, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China) Abstract:Based on the mathematical and statistical method, the comparison made between Chinese and Japanese collegians' knowledge of physical education and the relationship of exercises and health shows that there do exist great differences between them. And it is also reflected that the great progresses have been made in Chinese physical education. It is finally suggested that the emphasis should be put on deepening the students' understanding of the effect of physical education and that of the relationship of exercises and health. Key words:Chinese and Japanese collegians; physical education; exercises and health |
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