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杨斌 |
浏览次数 36120
(益阳师范专科学校 体育系,湖南 益阳 413049) 摘要:在形体教学中运用赏识教育的观点,不仅可以塑造健美形体,纠正某些不良发育,促进身心健康发展,而且通过对学生的信任、尊重、理解、激励和宽容,改善师生关系,沟通感情,营造良好的学习氛围,充分发挥学生个性,从而提高教学效果。 关键词:赏识教育;形体教学;能力 中图分类号:G807.01;G42文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2001)01-0115-02 |
Appreciation education and body teaching YANG Bin |
(Department of Physical Education, Yiyang Normal College, Yiyang 413049,China) Abstract:To use appreciation education in course of the body teaching not only make healthy body, correct some unhealthy growth and promote their healthy development mentally and physically, but also improve the relations between teachers and students and finally make teaching effects better. Key words:appreciation education;body teaching;ability |
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