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王锡群1,凌会俊1,杨毅1,刘秀芬2,李健3 |
浏览次数 36724
(1.安徽蚌埠医学院 体育部,安徽 蚌埠 233003; 2.上海体育学院,上海 200438;3.广西师范大学 公体部,广西 桂林 530000) 摘要:为了适应深化教育改革,培养高质量人才,探讨普通高校体育教师应具备哪些条件、能力、素质和知识结构,对60名体育理论、体育教育专家和全国15个省市22个城市105所普通高校300名体育教师进行问卷调查。结果显示80%以上的体育教师认为21世纪合格体育教师应是敬岗敬业,具有实际教学能力和有扎实的基础理论知识,能够进行科学研究,有良好的身心素质且有善于团结协作的能力,有较高的文化素质和学历层次水平。可见21世纪的体育教师更注重的是实际工作能力和科研能力。 关键词:体育教学;能力;素质;条件;知识结构;深化教育改革 中图分类号:G807.4;G645.1文献标识码:B文章编号:1006-7116(2001)01-0124-02 |
Investigation on quality of physical teachers in universities in the 21 century WANG Xi-qun1,LING Hui-jun1,YANG Yi1,LIU Xiu-fen2,LI Jian3 |
(1.Department of Physical Education Academy of Medical Science, bangbu233003,China;2.Shanghai Institute of Physical Education,Shanghai 200438,China; 3.Guangxi Normal University,Guilin 530000,China) Abstract:The study investigated the ability, quality and knowledge structure for physical teachers in normal universities by questionnaire. The subjects included 60 physical theorists and 300 physical teachers from 105 normal universities. 80 percent of the subjects think that a qualified teacher in 21 century must be in honor of his occupation, be sound in body and mind, have practical teaching ability and a good grasp of basic theory, have the ability of research and coordination, and have high culture quality and record of formal schooling. Key words:physical education teaching;ability;quality;knowledge structure |
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