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浏览次数 36193
(湖南师范大学 校办,湖南 长沙410012) 摘要:教育思想与观念的改革是大学体育教育改革的先导,进入新世纪,大学体育教育必须树立素质教育、终身教育、主体教育、文化教育的理念;并在这些理念作用下,从课程结构、教学内容、教学方法及教学管理等方面进行全方位改革,发挥体育教育在大学教育中的重要作用。 关键词:体育教学;大学体育;教学改革;体育资源 中图分类号:G807.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)03-0083-03 |
Change one's idea, reforming and strengthening physical education of college CHEN Jun |
(Physical Department of Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410127,China) Abstract:Reforming education idea is the forerunner of ref ormation of college' physical education. In new century, the idea of quality edu cation, lifelong education, main body education, culture education should be bui ld up in college's physical education. Only all-around reforming from course str ucture, teaching content, teaching method and teaching management etc, physical education of college can survive in campus, it is the fundamental way out for ph ysical education. Key words:physical education teaching;physical education of co llege;teaching reformation;resource of physical education |
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