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浏览次数 36027
(广西师范大学 体育系,广西 桂林541004) 摘要:随着知识经济时代的到来,教育为社会培养具有创新意识和创造能力人才的任务更显得重要和紧迫。通过对高师体育专业在培养创新型体育人才方面与社会和教育发展的要求存在的差距和面临的问题的分析,提出创新型体育人才培养的途径和办法。 关键词:高等师范;体育人才;培养途径;课程体系 中图分类号:G807.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)03-0123-03 |
On training modern qualified personnel with creativity in physica l education for university XIE Xiang |
(Depantment of Physical Education, Guangxi Normal University, Guiling 541004, China) Abstract: With the coming of knowledge economy era it becomes an important and urgent task to train qualified personnel with creativity. The article analyzes the present problems and the gap between social demands and t he reality of qualified personnel training. It also puts forward methods and ways to train modern qualified personnel with creativity in physical education. Key words: higher learning; personnel in physical education; methods for training;system of course |
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