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陈伟强,高斌,刘华轩,刘静民 |
浏览次数 36294
(清华大学 体育教研部,北京100084) 摘要:通过对清华大学学生、教师及毕业的校友体质现状的调查,初步掌握了清华大学“高知识人群”体质的现状及发展变化的某些规律,找出了影响他们体质的主要因素和现存的问题,制定和提出了评价标准和对策。 关键词:高知识人群;体质现状;评价标准;健康工程;清华大学 中图分类号:G804.49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0006-04 |
Present situation of physique of intelligentsia of Qinghua un iversity and its counterplot CHEN Wei-qiang, GAO Bin, LIU Huaxuan, LIU Jing-min |
(Teaching and Research Dept. of Physical Education, Qinghua Uni versity, Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: By method of investigation to the undergraduates, teachers and graduates of ginghua uviverstiy, the paper here reveals the physique of the intelligentsia and some developing rules of it, finds out the affectin g factors and existing problems and finally puts forward the evaluation criterio n and counterplot. Key words: intelligentsia; physique; situation; evaluation criteri on; health project; Qinghua universtiy |
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