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林建华1,郑旭旭2 |
浏览次数 36207
(1.厦门大学 体育教学部,福建 厦门 361055;2.集美大学 体育学院,福建 厦门361021) 摘要:将20多年来海峡两岸体育交流的曲折历程划为3个阶段:发端阶段、拓展阶段、发展阶段,并分析其成因、特点和作用。认为两岸体育的交流与合作有利于打破两岸关系的僵局,实现和平统一,有利于各个领域的交流合作以及两岸竞技运动水平的提高,两岸的体育交流具有广阔的发展前景。 关键词:海峡两岸;体育交流;奥运会模式 中图分类号:G812 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0017-03 |
Review and forecast about mainland and Taiwan sports communication LIN Jianhua1, ZHEN Xuxu 2 |
(1.Division of Physical Education, Xiamen University, Xiamen 36 1055,China; 2.Institute of Physical Education,Jimei University, Xiamen 361021,China) Abstract: Through the review of mainland and Taiwan sports communication, the paper analysed the cause and funtion of its formation, and forecasted the bright future of the mainland and Taiwan sports communicati on and corporation. Key words: mainland and Taiwan; sports communication; Olympicpattern |
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