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刘江南,侯玉鹭 |
浏览次数 35923
(广州体育学院,广东 广州 510075) 摘要:体育经纪人是美国体育产业,特别是职业体育快速发展的重要因素之一。通过对美国体育产业实地考察,从体育经纪人的发展历史、体育经纪人的责任和任务、体育代理商的模式、体育经纪活动存在的问题与规范管理等4个方面,分析了美国体育经纪人的特征。 关键词:美国;体育经纪人;体育产业;职业体育 中图分类号:G80-05;G817.12 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0020-03 |
Analysis of the characteristic of American sport agent LIU Jiangnan, HOU Yu-lu |
(Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, Guangzhou 510075,China) Abstract: Sport Agent is one of the most important fact in developing sport industry in America. With the chance to study one year in the U .S.A., the writer made an investigation of the sport industry, and then analyzed the characteristic of the sport agent from the history of agent, the duty and t as k of agent, the model of agent, the problem and regulation of agent. Key words: American; sport agent; sport industry; professional sport |
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