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郑建岳1,胡泓2,陈道裕1,裘琴儿1 |
浏览次数 36247
(1.宁波大学 体育学院;2.宁波大学 科技学院 浙江 宁波315211;) 摘要:采用问卷调查的方法,对电脑型体育彩票消费者的年龄、动机等13个因素进行调查与分析统计,掌握宁波地区电脑型体育彩票消费市场的基本特征。调查发现,仅有18.3%的人对体育彩票较了解,75.1%的人消费动机以试运气和消遣娱乐为主,仅7.1%的消费者明白体育彩票是体育事业的集资途径。文章针对体育彩票市场的经营策略提出了若干建议。 关键词:体育彩票;市场调研;宁波地区 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0026-03 |
Survey of sports lottery market in Ningbo ZHENG Jianyue1; HU Hong2; CHEN Daoyu1; QIU Qiner1; |
(1.Institute of Physical Education; 2. Faculty of Science and Technology, Ningbo University, Ningbo 315211,China) Abstract: The questionnaire shows that most consumers have a limited knowledge about sports lottery. Only 18.3% of consumers have a good understanding, while 75.1% of them are just to take a chance to draw a lucky ticket orenjoy themselves, and merely 7.1% of consumers know that it is a key source to ra ise funds for sports. On the basis of statistics, we analyze the features of spo rts lottery market, and provide references to strategy-making for managing such market in Ningbo and Zhejiang province. Key words: sports lottery tickets; market survey; Ningbo province |
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