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董业平1,陈小刚2 |
浏览次数 36167
(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州510631;2.广西对外经济贸易学校 体育部,广西 南宁530007) 摘要:球队的心理构成是组成球队成员的不同个性特征及其相互作用所形成的不同类型,这些不同的类型决定了球队的功能和组织状态。据此,球队的优化组合应根据个性心理特征相互作用的互补原理,合理地调配球队的人员构成或者进行球队的重组,注重球队优化组合的整体效果,尽可能形成和谐互补的组合,协调不和谐的互补型组合。 关键词:球队的优化组合;球队的心理构成;队员个性的相互作用;个性的和谐互补 中图分类号:G804.8 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0037-03 |
Constitution of team and excellently making up of team members DONG Yeping1, CHEN Xiaogang2 |
(1.Institute of Physical Education,South China Norma University, Guangzhou 510631, China;2.Division of Physical Education, Guangxi School of Foreign Economy and Trade, Nanning 530007, China) Abstract: The cnstitution of the team is the different personalities of the team members and the interaction between the different personalities. the personalities and the interaction decide the function and condition of the team. In the view of that, it is ought to make up the team excellently according to the principle of interaction of the team members' personalities. Must attach importance to the whole effect of the reconstitution and to form the harmonious constitution and to coordinate the harmonious constitution of the team. Key words: constitution of team; excellently making up of team members; interaction between the different personalities; harmonious interaction of the personalities. |
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