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张铁雄1,赵刚1,唐海军1,文红梅2 |
浏览次数 36307
(1.湘潭工学院 体育部,湖南 湘潭411201;2.邵阳师范专科学校 体育系,湖南 邵阳422000) 摘要:依据社会学原理,就普通高等院校开展学校体育工作的现状及发挥学校体育方面的优势服务于全民健身战略,对校级领导进行调查研究,为进一步推动学校体育工作的改革提供参考依据。 关键词:普通高校; 校级领导; 学校体育; 全民健身 中图分类号:G807.4;G812.5 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0048-02 |
Study on college leaders cognition of physical educationin general colleges and universities and their participation ZHANG Tie-xiong1, ZHAO Gang1, TANG Hai-jun1, WEN Hongmei2 |
(1.Division of Physical Education, Xiangtan Polytechnic Un iversity, Xiangtan 411201, China;2.Department of Physical Education,Shao yang Normal College, Shaoyang 422000, China) Abstract: According to the theories of sociology, after careful and thorough inv estigation and study, the authors list out the present situations of physical e ducation in normal Universities. At the same time, they advocate to fully use the advantages of school physical education to serve our popular sports. Further more, after interiewing and investigating some college leaders', they provide e fficient reference, for accelerating the pace of college physical education reform. Key words: general colleges and universities; college leaders; physical education; popular sports |
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