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徐晓阳1,冯炜权2,冯美云2,曹建民2,谢敏豪3 |
浏览次数 36127
(1.华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州510631;2.北京体育大学 运动生化教研室,北京100084;3.国家体育总局 运动医学研究所,北京100000) 摘要:以大鼠为研究对象,对运动训练引起的低血睾酮状态下,大鼠体内糖原贮备及骨骼肌能量代谢和收缩蛋白基因表达的情况以及其肾脏的结构、功能及代谢进行了观察。结果发现:所采用的运动性低血睾酮模型造成了大鼠的低血睾酮,补肾中药“仙灵口服液”可以纠正这种变化,使血睾酮浓度保持在正常水平;运动训练使大鼠出现了肾脏无氧代谢酶活性下降的现象,其意义有待研究;中运动性低血睾酮大鼠肝糖原明显高于对照鼠,肌糖原含量也较安静对照鼠的有所提高,中药治疗对此没有影响;运动性低血睾酮大鼠骨骼肌中CK,PK,MDH这几种酶的变化是:CK及PK活性没有明显改变,MDH活性明显提高,中药治疗对此没有影响;运动性低血睾酮大鼠骨骼肌α-肌动蛋白基因表达略有下降,补肾中药制剂则可避免这种下降。 关键词:运动性低血睾酮;能量代谢;运动性下丘脑—垂体—性腺功能 中图分类号:G804.7;R87 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0050-05 |
Exercise-induced dysfunction of hypothalamusp-ituitary-gonadand the effects of Chinese herbs in rats XU Xiao-yang1,FENG Weiquan2,FENG Meiyun2,CAO Jianming2,XIE Minghao3 |
(1.Institute Physical Education, South China Normal Un iversity, Guangzhou 510631,China;2.Beijing University of Physical Education, Beijing 100084,China;3.National Institute of Sports Medicine, Beijing 100000, China) Abstract: The changes of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad function and metabolism of exercise-induced lower serum testosterone (EILST) rats were studied. The results showed that the serum testosterone concentrations was lowered in EILST rats, but was not in the rats treated with Chinese herbs. The activities of renal anaerobic metabolism enzymes decreased in all rats. After swimming for five weeks, the muscle and liver glycogen concentrations increased in EILST rats. The MDH activity increased, while the activities of CK and PK unchanged in quadriceps of EILST rats. Chinese herbs did not change all these effects of exercise. The a-actin gene expression in quadriceps was decr eased in EILST rats, but was normal in the rats treated with Chinese herbs. Key words: exercise-induced lover serum t estosterone; engergy me tabolism; exercise-induced dysfunction of hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad |
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