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徐和庆,林正峰,王永斌 |
浏览次数 36467
(福建三明高等专科学校 体育系,福建 三明365000) 摘要:为了探讨人体肌肉作固定工作和远固定工作时明显存在着生物力学特征上的差异对提高动作速度训练效果的影响,选择了上肢前伸的动作速度为实验内容,以肌肉不同固定方式的练习为条件,研究了动作速度训练效果的差异。结果表明,肌肉远近固定方式的组合练习比单一固定方式的练习能更有效地提高动作速度;组合练习在持续训练过程中对提高“中位”速度有着更重要的意义。 关键词:动作速度;生物力学;固定工作方式 中图分类号:G804.63 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0058-04 |
Influence of biomechanics upon motion velocity training XU He-qing, LIN Zheng-feng , WAMG Yong-bin |
(Department of Physical Education, Sanming Col lege, Sanming 365000,China) Abstract: In order to probe into biomechanic differences in human muscles while working be tween the engagement of far fixation and near fixation. to improve the effect of motion velocity training. Therefore, by experimenting on the velocity training of the upper limbs moving straight forward under the condition of different fixe d working patterns, have made a study of the different effects from the motion velocity training. The results indicate that the exercise of combination of far and near fixations is more effective than the pure exercise of either far or near fixation in increasing motion velocity. The experiment has meanwhile revealed some s ignificance of the exercise of combinations in the course of continuous training to increase "middle position" velocity. Key words: motion velocity; biomechanic; fixed working pat tern |
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