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浏览次数 36236
(郴州师范高等专科学校 体育系,湖南 郴州423000) 摘要:通过16名400~800 m跑项目运动员在程控跑台上完成400 m跑极量负荷使运动员机体内堆积大量的乳酸,然后分别测定各种不同强度的恢复性运动对血乳酸(HLa)清除速率的影响,观察了血乳酸清除速率与恢复性运动强度的关系,从中寻找快速清除血乳酸消除疲劳的最佳强度范围。实验结果表明:清除血乳酸最快的强度为400 m最大强度的50%~65%之间,心率在145~165次/min之间。研究表明,最佳恢复性运动强度是400 m最大强度的60%,心率为150~160次/min,此时16名运动员的跑速为〖JP4〗(4.21±0.67) m/s,与受试者的跑速无氧阈值(4.35±0.88) m/s无显著差异 关键词:乳酸能项目;最佳恢复强度;恢复性运动;血乳酸清除速率中图分类号:G804.7;G822.214 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0062-02 |
Research about optimum recovery strength after maximum load for r unners ZHOU Xin-hua |
(Department of Physical Education, henzhou Teachers College, Chenzhou 423000, China) Abstract: The paper discusses 16 sportsmen finishing 400m running with maximum load on the preprogrammed automatic control runaway, m akes sportsmen pileup lots of lactic acid, then determines respectively all different kinds of strength renewing sports' in clearing rate of Hla and observes relationship between Hla clearing away speed rate and renew sportsman's strength, and therefore find he optimum strength scope. The experiment shows that cleaing away Hla's fastest strength in 50%-65%, heart rate is between 145~165time/min.The research result proves that optimum renew sport's strength is 60% within 400 m, heart rate is 150-160 time/min. In this period the 16 sportsmen's running speed is (4.21±0.67) m/s, and it has no obvious differences in trainer's running speed oxygenless value (4.35±0.88) m/s (P>0.05) Key words: lactic acid energyitem; ptimum renew strength ; renew sport; Hlaclearing away speed rate |
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