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李良刚,Martin.J.B,张五平,田佳,谭仲秋 |
浏览次数 36384
(成都体育学院 医学系,四川 成都 610041) 摘要:历时5年对体育课实施双语教学进行了多层次、多类别的系统研究,确立了一套体育课双语教学的教学理论,形成了系列的声、像、文并茂的教学材料,例如:《实用英汉体育教学词典》、《常用体育技术要点问答集》等。通过多次教学实验和实践,证明该成果能充分发挥双语教学的作用,提高了学生的外语水平,赋予了体育课高附加值并具有普遍的适用性。 关键词:体育课;双语教学;体育教学附加值;对比实验研究 中图分类号:G807.01 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)04-0100-03 |
Teaching research about using two languages during physical education lesson LI Liang-gang, Martin.J.B, ZHANG Wu-ping, Tian Jia, Tan Zhong-qiu |
(Department of Medicine, Chengdu Institute of Physical Education ,Chengdu 610041,China) Abstract: Based on the systematic multilayer research on using two languages during physical education lesson for five years, a set of teaching theory and material about using two languages during physical education les son has been formed, such as (an applied English-Chinese d ictionary for physical education teaching). The teaching experiments have proved that this kind of tea ching could make fully use of two language teaching and make students learn English better. It puts physical education lesson more value. Key words: physical education lesson; teaching using two language; physical education teaching being more valuable, comparative experimental re search |
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