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刘平江,杨铁黎,赵立 |
浏览次数 36385
(首都体育学院 社会体育系,北京 100088) 摘要:运用文献资料法、调查法和观察法,根据结构决定功能的系统理论以及改革体育课程和类型的相关理论,提出了在体育教育中实现素质教育目标的重要途径——现代学校体育教学模式。 关键词:素质教育;体育教学;教学模式; 中图分类号:G807;G40-012 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)05-0017-03 |
Quality education and physical education teaching LIU Ping-Jiang, YANG Tie-li, ZHAO Li |
(Department of Social Physical Education, Capital Institute of Physical Education, Beijing 100088, China) Abstract: By methods of literature, investigation an observation, based on systematically theoretic ideology of function determined by structure and related theory of reforming curriculum structure and kind of physical education, the paper puts forward an important way to implement the goal of quality education in physical education, that is the theory about teaching mode of modern school physical education. Key words: quality education; physical education teaching; teaching mode
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