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周君华,邱建国 |
浏览次数 36228
(烟台师范学院 体育系,山东 烟台 264025) 摘要:运用社会调查研究的方法,对目前我国群众体育的现状和发展趋势进行了调查分析:群众体育经费少,场馆设施短缺,体育活动组织不健全,社会成员的体育文化知识贫乏,体育价值观念模糊,缺乏参加体育活动的技能和习惯,但群众体育蕴含着巨大的发展潜力。因此在社会发展需求的基础上,学校体育目标的定位应发展学生体育能力,促进学生身心健康,学校体育还应形成一个完整的体系,课程、教法和评价标准都应与教育目标相一致,从而使学校体育更好地为社会发展和人民生活服务。 关键词:群众体育;现状调查;学校体育;目标定位;社会需要;中国 中图分类号:G807;G812.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)05-0020-03 |
Study of aim orientation of school P.E. in the light of the deylopment of mass P.E. in China ZHOU Jun-hua, QIU Jian-guo |
(Department of physical Education, Yantai Normal College, Yantai 264025, China) Abstract: The present condition and the developing trend of mass P.E. in our country were analysed by the method of social inverstgation in this paper: mass P.E. funds, stadium and gymnasium and facilities, knowledge of physical culture of social numbers the technical ability and habit of P.E. activities were lacking, the P.E. activity organizations were not perfect , the sense of P.E. value was dim, but mass P.E. contained great developing potential. So on the base of the de demand of society development, the aim orientation of school P.E. should develop the sports ability of students, advance the health of students’ bodies and minds, school P.E. should formulate a perfect system, the course、the teaching method and evaluating standard should be consistent with the educational aim, so as to serve the development of society and the lives of people better. Key words: mass P.E.; ivestigation of present condition; school P.E.; aim orientation; demand of society; china
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