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吴家琳1,蔡华建2,徐沛3,何丽玲4,黄宝强4,孙粤凤4 |
浏览次数 36233
(广州大学1.体艺系;2.人事处;3.总务处;4.保健科,广东 广州 510030) 摘要:运用问卷调查法,对我校教师的身体健康状况及其从事体育锻炼的现状进行调查和分析。结果表明:教师的健康状况不佳,且随年龄的增长有加速下降的趋势;教师参加体育锻炼的动机明确,但具有随意性和不稳定性等特点。 关键词:广州大学教师;身体健康;体育锻炼 中图分类号:G806 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)05-0036-03 |
Investigation of the haalth and exercising situation of teacher in Guangzhou University Wu Jia-lin, CAI Hua-jian, XU Pei; HE Li-ling, HUANG Bao-qiang, SUN Yue-feng |
(Deptment of Physical Education and Art, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510030, China) Abstract: The paper analyzes the health and exercising situation of teachers in our university unsing the information from questionnaire. It is found that teaches are in bad condition and it becomes further worse as being older. Their motivation of exercise is clear and their exercise has characteristics of random and instability. Key words: teachers in Guangzhou University; in good condition; exercise |
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