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李英1,李亚俊2,傅桂红2 |
浏览次数 36224
(1.长沙铁道学院 体育部,湖南 长沙 410004; 2.解放军体育学院,广东 广州 510502) 摘要:素质教育是当前教育改革的关键,个性教育是素质教育的突破口。主要运用文献资料法,结合自己多年教学经验,就如何在体育教学中完善学生个性进行探讨,促进高校体育教学和学生个性的更好发展。 关键词:体育教学;个性完善;素质教育 中图分类号:G807.4 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)05-0044-02 |
Discussion of P.E. teaching and individual character of student Li Ying1, LI Ya-jun2, FU Gui-hong2 |
(1.Department of physical Education Changsha Railway Institute, Changsha 410004, China; 2.PLA Institude of Physical Education, Gunagzhou 510502, China) Abstract: Quality education is the key of the reform of education while individual character education is the key of quality education at present. According to the important influence that P.E has on students’ individual character with many years teaching experience, it gives some advice which is how to develop students’ individual character in the course of P.E teaching. Key words: P.E teaching; individual character; development quality education
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