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姜玲1,唐小林2 |
浏览次数 36709
(1.成都电子科技大学 体育系,四川 成都 610054 2.成都体育学院 体育系,四川 成都 610041) 摘要:对软式网球“双上”战术及其运用的研究分析表明:我国软式网球在抓好“双上”战术的训练中,应树立正确的训练指导思想,狠抓截击和高压技术训练,突出发、接发能力与强化“双上”攻击意识,不能忽视身体素质的训练等。 关键词:现代软式网球;“双上”战术;前4拍技术;截击高压技术 中图分类号:G845.19 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)05-0056-03 |
Probe into applying ” double forward ” tactics to Chinese soft tennis JIANG Ling1, TANG Xiao-lin2 |
(1.Department of Physical Education Chengdu University of Electron and Science and Technology, Chengdu 610054, China; 2.Department of Physical Education Chengdu Institute of Physical Education, Cheng 610041, China) Abstract: After analyzing the “double forward” tactics and its applying to Chinese soft tennis, it is provided that, during the training of “double forward” tactis, correct instructional ideas of training must be set up, interception and high press skill must be emphasized, ability of serving and catching a ball, attack consciousness of “double forward and body duilding must be attached importance to .” Key words: modem soft tennis; “double forward” tactics; fomer 4 setps skill; skill of interception and high press |
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