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于春玲 |
浏览次数 36549
(烟台师范学院 休体部,山东 烟台 264025) 摘要:从解放思想,调动了广大武术工作者的积极性,各级武术专业运动队和体育院系专业课程设置的恢复,影视新闻媒介、书刊宣传的影响,挖掘、整理工作的巨大作用,武术走出国门的传播与交流等方面探究。20世纪80年代形成的“武术热”。 关键词:武术热;武术运动;中国 中图分类号:G852 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)05-0068-02 |
Reason for “wushu heat ” rormed in 80’s of last century Yu Chun-ling |
(Public Division of physical Education, Yantai Normal College, Yantai 264023, China ) Abstract: The paper explores the reasons forming “wushu beat” in 80’s of last century from following aspects: bringing order out of chaos after culture revolution paves the way for comeback of wushu, the renewal of wushu specialized team and wushu specialized curriculum in dept. or institute of physical education, the influence of press and excavating and clearing up work, and its spread and communication with other countries. Key words: wushu craze; wushu sports; China |
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