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程梅玲 |
浏览次数 36778
(南亦理工大学 体育部,江苏 南京 210094) 摘要:为了适应21世纪人才素质全面培养的需要,我校在体育教学内容改革中,把普及二十四式太极拳作为大学生的必修内容,并取得了较好的效果。文章就普及太极拳的价值和意义等作了阐述和分析。 关键词:大学体育;教学内容;太极拳;终身体育 中图分类号:G807.4;G852.112 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)05-0070-02 |
Values and significance of popularzing Taijiquan in college physical education teaching CHENG Mei-ling |
(Division of Physical, Nanjing University of Science Technology, Nanjing 210094,China) Abstract: To meet the needs of turning out high quality talents in 21st century, our University set Twenty-Four Taijiquan as a compulsory course for Students during the period of physical education teaching contents reform. We have achieved great success so far. This essay elaborates and analyzes the values and significance of popularizing Taijiquan. Key words: college physical education; teaching contents; taijiquan; lifelong physical education |
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