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谢红光1,黄连寿2 |
浏览次数 36366
(1.广州市体育科学研究所 选材训练研究室,广东 广州 510620; 2.广州市司法学校 体育组,广东 广州 510650) 摘要:对参与2000年广州市体质测试的6335名成年人进行了分析,结果表明:广州市成年人锻炼人群的体质比不锻炼人群好,总体达标率高于1997年的全国平均水平;参与锻炼者在40岁后仍可保持较高的达优率和达标率;参与锻炼组总体上对反映心血管功能的台阶指数的作用不显著,提示锻炼人群仍需加强科学锻炼、提高锻炼效能。 关键词:体质;活动因素;广州市;成年人 中图分类号:G804.49 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2001)05-0076-03 |
Research on physique and its pertinent exercise factors of Guangzhou adults participating in physical exercise factors XIE Hong-guang1, HUANG Lian-shou2 |
(1.Guangzhou Research Institute of Sports Science, Guangzhou 510620, China 2.Division of Physical Education, Guangzhou School of elisor, Guangzhou 510650, China) Abstract: Analyze 6335 adults who participate physique test during 2000 in Guangzhou. The results showed the physique of Guangzhou adults who take parts in exercises is better than that of no exercises, and the rate up to standard is better than the national average level. Even over 40 years old, they still keep height rate up to excellent and up to standard. But sidestep index that reflect the heart function is no significance between exercise group and no exercises group. Key words: physique; physical exercise; exercise factors; Guangzhou city; adults |
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