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张翠苹1,张宏伟2 |
浏览次数 36078
(1.河北农业大学 体工部,河北 保定071001; 2.河北保定第18中学,河北 保定071051) 摘要:基因工程及其理论的发展,对奥林匹克运动来说是把双刃剑,能否解决好这一问题,直接关系到它的前途和命运。有利方面,首先它揭示了遗传、环境、体育锻炼和心理因素与人的成长之间关系的秘密,更有利于人类的健康发展;其次,将加大运动员选材的准确性和训练的针对性,为人类再次挑战人体极限起到推波助澜的作用。不利方面,这种技术一旦被滥用,便成了一种“超级兴奋剂”,势必把奥林匹克运动推到悬崖上。在竞技体育中呼唤人文教育的回归,是解决基因工程所带来“恐惧症”的一个必不可少的途径。 关键词:基因工程; 奥林匹克运动; 人文教育 中图分类号:G811.21 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)05-0009-03
A discuss about genetic engineering and Olympic sports ZHANG Cui-ping1,ZHANG Hong-wei2 |
(1.Department of Physical Education,Hebei Agricultural University, Baoding 071001,China; 2.18th Middle School of Baoding, Baoding 071051,China) Abstract: The development of genetic engineering and its theories are a dilemma for Olympic sports. It will directly affect the future and destiny of Olympic sports whether such a problem could be solved properly. On the positive side, firstly, genetic engineering has revealed the secret of the relationship between the growth of a human being and the heredity, environment, physical exercise as well as metal factors; secondly, genetic engineering will increase the accuracy of selecting potentially talented athletes and enhance action-specific training, thus helping human beings to challenge human body limits once again. On the negative side,once this kind of technology is abused, it will become a “super stimulant”, thus inevitably jeopardizing Olympic sports. Seeking for the return of humanities to competitive sports is the inevitable way to cure the “phobia syndrome” brought by genetic engineering. Key words: genetic engineering; Olympic sports; humanities education |
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