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贾明学,王锡群 |
浏览次数 36093
(温州大学 体育学院,浙江 温州325000) 摘要:通过对我国体育彩票历年发行收入进行统计分析,认为我国在体育彩票公益金使用上存在目标偏差:一是多锦上添花少雪中送炭;二是使用绩效不明显。在此基础上结合国外体育彩票公益金的使用模式,对我国体育彩票公益金的使用模式进行了重新定位:通过上缴财政来满足其他公益事业利益的需要,既能得到民众的认可,又可满足体育事业发展的需要。关键词:体育彩票; 公益金; 使用模式; 中国 中图分类号:G80-05文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)05-0012-03
Mode of spending of sports lottery welfare fund in China JIA Ming-xue,WANG Xi-qun |
(College of Physical Education, Wenzhou University, Wenzhou 325000,China) Abstract: By carrying out statistical analysis on sports lottery issuance revenue in China all these years, the authors considered that target deviation exists in the spending of sports lottery welfare funds in China: firstly, the fund has been spent more on rich units than on poor units; secondly, the result of spending is not noticeable. Based on such an analysis coupled with the modes of spending of sports lottery welfare fund in foreign countries, the authors re-orientated the mode of spending of sports lottery welfare fund in China: Meeting the need for interest of other welfare undertakings by handing over the fund to the Ministry of Finance can not only be acceptance to the public but also meet the need for developing sports undertakings. Key words: sport lottery; welfare funds; mode of usage; China |
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