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黎鹰 |
浏览次数 36465
(浙江体育职业技术学院,浙江 杭州310012) 摘要:探索肌肉力量自然发育过程中的年龄相关性和性别特点。运用Kinetech等速肌力测试系统,对240名13~18岁普通中学生进行动态等速肌力测试评定。结果表明13~18岁男生,上、下肢屈伸肌的最大肌力和输出功率持续增长;从14岁开始,出现快速增长,各年龄段男生的肌力均大于女生,14岁为男生动态等速肌力快速生长的敏感期。同期女生的最大肌力和输出功率也持续增长,但增长的速度明显小于男生,16岁后增长缓慢,16岁开始男女生之间的差距拉大。 关键词:动态等速测试; 最大肌力; 最大输出功率; 中学生 中图分类号:G804.26 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)05-0039-04
Age pattern and gender characteristic in relation to the natural development of dynamic isokinetic muscle strength of middle school students LI Ying |
(Zhejiang Physical Vocation-technical College, Hangzhou 310012,China) Abstract: The author probed into the age correlation and gender characteristic in relation to the natural development of dynamic isokinetic muscle strength, used Kinetch isokinetic muscle strength testing system to evaluate the test of dynamic isokinetic muscle strength of 240 average middle school students ages 13-18, and revealed the following findings: From age 13 to age 18, the maximum muscle strength and output power of flexors and extensors of upper and lower limbs of male students are growing continuously; starting from age 14, the said maximum muscle strength and output power begin to grow rapidly; in every age group, the muscle strength of male students are more powerful than that of female students; the age of 14 is a sensitive period for the rapid growth of dynamic isokinetic muscle strength of male students; the maximum muscle strength and output power of flexors and extensors of upper and lower limbs of female students are also growing continuously in the same period, but their growing speed is obviously slower than that occurred to male students; after age 16, such a growth begins to slow down,and the difference between male and female students becomes bigger and bigger in relation to such a growth. Key words: dynamic isokinetic test; maximum muscle strength; maximum output power; middle school students |
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