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罗智1,甄志平2 |
浏览次数 36147
(1.广州体育学院 体育社会科学系,广东 广州510075;2.北京师范大学 体育与运动学院,北京100084) 摘要:通过对第28届奥运会上各参赛国各项目成绩统计分析,研究各区域竞技格局特色,结果表明,除南美洲外,测量类项目群体在其它各大洲的绝对竞技实力竞技格局中占据了较为重要的战略地位,制胜类项目群体在亚洲、北美洲和欧洲竞技上占有较大的竞技空间;而在相对竞技实力的竞技格局中,亚洲评分类项目群体占有最为重要的战略地位,南美洲以设防型命中类项目群体占有最为重要的战略地位。 关键词:奥运会; 项目群体; 区域竞技格局 中图分类号:G811.21 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)05-0104-04
Regional competition structure in relation to the 28th Olympic Games LUO Zhi1, ZHEN Zhi-ping2 |
(1.Department of Sports Sociology, Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education, Guangzhou 510075,China;2.College of Physical Education and Sport, Beijing Normal University, Beijing 100084,China) Abstract: By basing their study unit on each event group in each region and carrying out statistical analysis on the performance of each participating country on each event in the 28th Olympic Games, the authors studied each region’s competition structure, and revealed the following findings: Except for South America, event group in measurement category plays an relatively important strategic role in competition structure of absolute competitive strength of the other continents; event group in winning category has a relatively large competitive space for competition between Asia, North America and Europe, while in relative competitive strength competition structure, Asia plays the most important strategic role in event group in scoring category; South America plays the most important strategic role in event group in defense type scoring category. Key words: Olympic Games; event group; regional completion structure |
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