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郭戈1,刘静霞2,王耀文3 |
浏览次数 35834
(1.南阳师范学院 体育系,河南 南阳473061;2.南阳医科专科学校 体育部,河南 南阳473061;3.河南师范大学 体育学院,河南 新乡453007) 摘要:综合论述从家庭体育的内涵、家庭体育的功能及家庭体育的现状等方面研究我国有关家庭体育已有的成果,认为我国家庭体育研究存在界定范围不明确、未能紧跟时代发展、忽略经济欠发达地区等问题,预测家庭体育的发展趋势,并根据分析提出相应的建议。 关键词:中国; 家庭体育; 全民健身; 体育功能; 综述 中图分类号:G80文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2005)05-0139-03
Current situation and development of the study of family sports in China GUO Ge1,LIU Jing-xia2,WANG Yao-wen3 |
(1.Department of Physical Education, Nanyang Teachers College, Nanyang 473061,China; 2.Department of Physical Education,Docter School of Nanyang,Nanyang 473061,China; 3.College of Physical Education, Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China) Abstract: From the perspectives of the connotation of family sports, functions of family sports, and current situation of family sports, the authors studied the existing achievements in relation to family sports in China, and considered that the following problems in the study of family sports in China: scope demarcation is unclear; the study fails to catch up with the development of the era; economy underdeveloped areas are neglected. The authors predicted the development trend of family sports, and offered corresponding suggestions in accordance with the analysis. Key words: China; family sports; keeping fit nationwide; sports function; review |
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