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张莉,马维民 |
浏览次数 35932
(新疆伊犁师范学院 体育系,新疆 伊宁835000) 摘要:通过对5个民族11名15~17岁拳击运动员15项身体成分、生理机能指标测定,与同一运动学校由多民族组成的足球、中长跑、射击项目同龄运动员5项身体成分指标和4项生理机能指标 ([AKx-]±s)作差异显著性检验。检验结果显示:拳击运动员具有肌肉发达、等长瘦体重大和等长负荷脂肪量较大的特征。生理机能指标表现为肺活量绝对值大,肺活量/体重相对低(但差异无显著性意义)。说明青少年拳击运动员的体质偏向力量和耐力力量型。对其7项身体成分、生理机能派生指标作了聚类分析。结果显示:重量比率类、身高等重量类、呼吸机能类相对指标间有明显的类型特征,并存在一定的内在联系。 关键词:拳击; 聚类分析; 相对指标; 青少年 中图分类号:G8861文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0068-04 |
An analysis of characteristics and classification of relative indices of physical compositions and physiological functions of excellent teenage boxers ZHANG Li, MA Wei-min |
(Department of Physical Education,Yili Teacher's College,Yining 835000,China) Abstract: By measuring 15 indices of physical compositions and physiological functions of 11 ages 15~17 boxers from 5 nationalities, and by performing the test of significance of difference between the said indices and 5 indices of physical compositions & 4 indices of physiological functions (〖AKx-〗±s) of athletes who were at the same age,trained for soccer,middle and long distance race and shooting events in the same sports school,and consisting of multiple nationalities,the authors revealed the following findings: The boxers were characterized with better developed muscles,a heavier body weight as per the same height and physique,and a higher fat content as per the same height and load; in terms of indices of physiological functions,they had absolutely higher vital capacity, and a relatively lower ratio of vital capacity to body weight (but the difference has no meaning of significance); it was shown that the physical constitution of teenage boxers were prone to strength type and strength stamina type. The author also analyzed the classification of 7 derivative indices of physical compositions and physiological functions,and revealed the following findings: Obvious type characteristics and a certain intrinsic linkage existed in between relative indices in weight ratio category,height/weight category,and respiratory func tion category. Key words:boxing; analysis of classification; relative index; teenager |
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