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汪明东 |
浏览次数 35938
(西南大学 网络教育学院,重庆400715) 摘要:少数民族体育源于宗教、寓于宗教,其重要形态是在各 种宗教仪式中的体育活动——宗教体育。通过对少数民族宗教体育起源、功能、形态、发展的分析,明确少数民族体育对宗教和其它文化形式的依附性是其得以存在和发展的基础。因此,少数民族体育不会脱离宗教而变成“纯粹的体育”。 关键词:少数民族体育;宗教;仪式 中图分类号:G80 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)01-0075-03 |
Divine body symbols——Probing into ethnic minority religious sports WANG Ming-dong |
(Research Institute for Education and Psychology of Southwest Ethnic Groups, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715,China) Abstract: Ethnic minority sports originated from religion and exist in religion. Their important forms are religious sports, i.e. physical activities performed in various religious rituals. By analyzing the origins, functions, forms and development of ethnic minority religious sports, the author determined that the dependency of ethnic minority sports on religion and other cultural forms was the foundation for their existence and development. Therefore,ethnic minority sports will not be divorced from religion and turned into “pure sports”. Key words:ethnic minority sports; religion; ritual |
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