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何培森1,徐晓燕2 |
浏览次数 36003
(1.怀化学院 体育系,湖南 怀化418008;2.浙江体育职业技术学院,浙江 杭州310004) 摘要:比较了“长三角”地区竞技体育观赏资源的结构特征。研究认为区域规模经济和资源禀赋差异是资源整合的客观需要,地区利益、体制及制度障碍、文化与观念差异等是影响资源整合的主要因素。提出了实现资源整合的策略:促进竞技体育人才流动,重视竞技体育场所整体规划、建设与利用,加强竞技体育观赏市场的制度建设。旨在为盘活竞技体育观赏资源,推动“长三角”地区竞技体育观赏业的一体化发展。 关键词:“长三角”地区; 体委系统; 竞技体育观赏资源 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)02-0026-04 |
Strategies for the integration of competitive sports entertainment resources in “Yangtze River Delta” region HE Pei-sen1, XU Xiao-yan2 |
(1.Department of Physical Education,Huaihua Institute, Huaihua 418008,China;2.Zhejiang Institute of Sports Technique, Hangzhou 310004,China) Abstract: The authors compared and studies the structural characteristics of competitive sports entertainment resources in sports committee system in “Yangtze River Delta” region, and considered that the difference between regional sizable economy and resource constitution was the objective need for resource integration, and that the differences between regional interest/system and system obstacle as well as between culture and conception were the main factors that affect resource integration. The authors put forward the following strategies for realizing resource integration: Boosting the flow of competitive sports talents, paying attention to the overall planning, construction and utilization of competitive sports facilities, and strengthening the construction of market system of competitive sports entertainment, so as to vitalize competitive sports entertainment resources in sports committee system and boost the integrated development of competitive sports entertainment industry in “Yangtze River Delta” region. Key words: “Yangtze River Delta” region; sports committee system; competitive sports entertainment resources
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