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许广全1,李燕2,李永跃1,赖恺仡1,邵邦林1,洪雷1,左新荣3 |
浏览次数 36224
(1.安徽省体育局,安徽 合肥230001; 2.安徽省体育科学技术研究所,安徽 合肥230001; 3.安徽师范大学 体育学院,安徽 芜湖241000) 摘要:对安徽省体育市场发展中的体育用品业、竞赛表演业、体育旅游业等进行研究。结果认为,安徽省部分体育用品企业年产值较好,但实质上98%属来料加工,其产品真正以自主或安徽品牌出口的几乎没有;安徽省竞赛表演市场行政干预过多,市场管理相对薄弱;安徽省专业体育旅行社缺乏,体育旅游活动仅限于某一地方政府组织的工作计划或号召,缺乏社会商业力量的投入,多元化体育旅游形态难以形成。诸多问题在一定程度上制约着安徽省体育市场的发展。 关键词:体育产业;体育市场;经营管理;安徽省 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)03-0032-03
Development and operation management of sports market in Anhui province 许广全1, 李燕2, 李永跃1, 赖恺仡1, 邵邦林1,洪雷1,左新荣3 |
(1.Physical Cultural Bureau of Anhui Province, Hefei 230001,China; 2.Physical Science and Technology Institute of Anhui, Hefei 230001,China; 3.College of Physical Education, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000,China) Abstract: The authors studied the developing sports article industry, competitive performance industry and sports tourism industry on sports market in Anhui province, and revealed the following findings: Apparently it seemed that the annual production value of part of sport article manufacturing enterprises in Anhui province presented a good trend of growth, but actually about 98% of the production value came from processing materials supplied by clients, and there was almost no truly independent or Anhui branded product for export; currently excessive administrative intervention had been imposed on the competitive performance market in Anhui province, resulting in relatively weak market managing behavior that really worked; due to the lack of professional sports tourism agency in Anhui province, sports tourism activities were limited to the working plan or promotion of a certain local governmental organization, lacking in the input of social commercial power, which made it difficult to form a diversified sports tourism structure that could be formed hopefully; many obviously problems had, to a certain extent, restricted the development of sports market in Anhui province. Key words: sports industry; sports market; operation management; Anhui province |
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