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赵学功1,杨明2,王潇3 |
浏览次数 35863
(1.武汉工业学院 体育课部,湖北 武汉430023; 2.贵州师范大学体育学院,贵州 贵阳550001;3.武汉体育学院 研究生部,湖北 武汉430079) 摘要:分析了我国体育用品中小企业的发展现状,认为其存在着营销水平低下、资金严重不足、技术和管理落后、人才短缺等问题。阐明体育用品中小企业在社会经济发展中具有造就市场竞争机制、促进区域体育经济协调发展、大量吸纳劳动力就业、有效地满足人民群众日益增长的体育需求等作用,继而提出了发挥政府引导和服务功能,优化体育用品中小企业生存环境;走创新之路,确定“避”、“借”、“联”的发展战略思路;充分发挥自身优势,选择营销策略等促进我国体育用品中小企业发展的建议。 关键词:体育用品; 中小企业; 中国 中图分类号:G80-05 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)03-0035-04 |
Development of small and medium sized sports article manufacturing enterprises in China ZHAO Xue-gong1, YANG Ming2, WANG Xiao3 |
(1. Section of Physical Education, Wuhan Industry Institute, Wuhan 430023,China;2. College of Physical Education, Guizhou Normal University, Guiyang 550001,China;3.Graduate Department, Wuhan Institute of Physical Education, Wuhan 430079,China) Abstract: The authors analyzed current situation of development of small and medium sized sports article manufacturing enterprises in China, considered that these enterprises had such problems as low marketing performance, seriously short of capital, out of date technology and management, and inadequate professionals, expatiated on that in the development of social economy small and medium sized sports article manufacturing enterprises had such functions as establishing market competition mechanism, promoting harmonious development of regional sports economy, employing a great number of labors, more efficiently meeting people’s ever increasing needs for sports, and then put forward some measures and suggestions for promoting the development of small and medium sized sports article manufacturing enterprises in China, such as exerting the government’s guiding and serving functions, optimizing the survival environment for small and medium sized sports article manufacturing enterprises, carrying out innovation, determining such strategic thoughts for development as “avoiding risks”, “referring to other’s experience” and “joint venture”, fully exerting one’s own advantages, and selecting marketing strategy. Key words: sports article; small and medium sized enterprises; China |
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