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吴燕丹,黄汉升 |
浏览次数 36187
(福建师范大学 体育科学学院,福建 福州350007) 摘要:面向病、残、弱学生的特殊体育课程是大学体育中一个重要的组成部分,体现了一个社会的文明程度和国家的整体发展水平。我国普通高校的特殊体育课程改革严重滞后于大学体育发展的进程,通过分析目前几种常用特殊体育课程的性质与定位,重新认识大学特殊体育教育,提出调适性体育课程的理念。 关键词:特殊体育课程;特殊需要学生;大学 中图分类号:G807.0 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1006-7116(2006)03-0131-04
From“health caring”to“health conditioning”-the orientation of special physical education curriculum in universities and colleges WU Yan-dan, HUANG Han-sheng |
(College of Physical Education, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007,China) Abstract: Special physical education curriculum for ill, handicapped and weak students is an importance component part in physical education in universities and colleges, embodying the degree of civilization of a society and the overall development level of a country. Special physical education curriculum reform in China falls seriously behind the course of development of physical education in universities and colleges. By analyzing the nature and orientation of several special physical education courses commonly used currently, the author rethought physical education in universities and colleges, putting forward a conception for health conditioning physical education curriculum, and opening up a new field of vision for special physical education curriculum reform in universities and colleges. Key words: special physical education curriculum; students with special needs; universities and colleges |
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