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黄彦军, 徐凤琴 |
浏览次数 32253
(韩山师范学院 体育系,广东 潮州521041) 摘要:民间体育社团是我国现时体育发展的一支重要力量,但在发展过程中暴露了诸多问题,如管理混乱、政策法规滞后、经费短缺等。要通过加快法律法规的建设,加大政策法规的调控力度、健全内部的管理机制、鼓励民间体育社团办经济实体筹集经费等等措施来加快我国民间体育社团的发展。 关键词:体育社团;民间社团;体育社会学;中国 中图分类号:G812.1文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)06-0045-03
The factors that affect the development of folk sports organizations in China and countermeasures therein HUANG Yan-jun,XU Feng-qin |
(Department of Physical Education,Hanshan Teachers College,Chaozhou 521041,China) Abstract:Folk sports organizations are an important force in the current development of sports in China. However,it has shown a number of problems during development,such as disordered management, delayed policies and legislations,and short of funds, etc. The authors believed that the development of folk sports organizations in China should be accelerated by means of accelerating the construction of laws and legislations, strengthening the implementation of policies and legislations, perfecting internal management mechanism, and encouraging folk sports organizations to raise funds through managing an economic entity,etc. Key words:sports organization; folk organization; sports social science;China |
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