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钟振新,黄琳 |
浏览次数 32169
(长沙理工大学 体育部,湖南 长沙410076) 摘要:对湖南省高知人群的体育意识和锻炼现状进行调查与研究。结果表明:目前湖南省高知人群的体育意识比较淡薄,体育人口数量偏低;锻炼内容多元化,锻炼场所以体育场馆、公园为主,锻炼时间以早、晚为主,锻炼形式以个人与自发小团体为主;体育消费投入较少。影响体育锻炼的主要因素是没有时间、缺少场地。针对结果提出了相应的对策与建议。 关键词:高知人群;体育意识;体育锻炼;湖南省 中图分类号:G806文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)06-0055-02
Investigation on the current status of sports consciousness of senior intellectual group in Hunan Province ZHONG Zhen-xin, HUANG Lin |
(Department of Physical Education,Changsha University of Science and Technology,Changsha 410076,China) Abstract:The authors carried out an investigation and research on the current status of sports consciousness of senior intellectual group in Hunan province,and revealed the following findings: currently the sports consciousness of senior intellectual group in Hunan province is relatively weak; their exercising contents are diversified; their exercising playground bases mainly on gymnasiums and parks; their exercising time bases mainly on morning and evening; their exercising form bases mainly on individual and spontaneously formed small groups; their sports consumption is relatively low. The main factors that affect physical exercise are lack of time and playground. The author offered corresponding countermeasures and suggestions based on the result. Key words:senior intellectual group; sports consciousness; physical exercising;Hunan Province |
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