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宋光春, 张永军 |
浏览次数 32411
(山东理工大学 体育学院,山东 淄博255049) 摘要:对女大学生的饮食习惯进行分析,发现女大学生绝对食素易导致身体出现亚健康状态;在机体承受较强运动负荷的状况下,食素者的心肺功能各项指标低于非食素者,运动能力降低;红肉是肉碱的食物主要来源,肉碱有利减肥;绝对食素不利健康。女大学生饮食应荤、素合理搭配,使体液呈弱碱性方能保持健康。 关键词:女大学生; 食素; 亚健康; 体育运动; 肉碱 中图分类号:G804.3文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)06-0071-03
“Sub-healthy” physical conditions and sports capability of vegetarian college girls SONG Guang-chun, ZHANG Yong-jun |
(College of Physical Education,Shandong University of Technology,Zibo 255049,China) Abstract:The authors analyzed the diet habits of college girls, and revealed the following findings: College girls having a totally vegetarian diet are prone to sub-healthy physical conditions; when subject to heavy exercise load,a vegetarian’s various indices of the cardio-pulmonary function are inferior to those of a non-vegetarian, and whose sports capability is deteriorated; red meat is the main food source of carnitine, which is helpful to body slimming; a totally vegetarian diet is not good for health. The authors suggested that college girls should have rational combination of meats and vegetables in their diets, so that their body fluid would present an alkalescence condition, and that they could thus stay healthy. Key words:college girls; vegetarian; sub-healthy; sports; carnitine |
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