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刘冬笑 |
浏览次数 32513
(华南理工大学 体育部,广东 广州510641) 摘要:民族体育形式编入大型团体操后,能展现丰富多彩的民族体育文化,从体育的角度体现中华民族的民族精神,满足大型团体操创编中的民族性要求等。民族体育的表现形式具有多样性、灵活性等特点,将它们稍加拓展和加工就能满足大型团体操编排的要求。从创编角度来看,我国民族体育形式在大型团体操中的应用将有十分广阔的前景。 关键词:民族体育;大型团体操;体育文化 中图分类号:G834文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)06-0087-02
The value and application prospect of national sports form in large-scale group calisthenics LIU Dong-xiao |
(Department of Physical Education, South China University of Technology, Guangzhou 510641,Chian) Abstract:When integrated into large-scale group calisthenics, national sports form can present exuberant and colorful national sports culture, embody the national spirit of China from the perspective of sport, and meet the requirement for nationality in the layout creation of large-scale group calisthenics; the form of expression of national sports has the characteristics of diversity and flexibility, thus they can meet the requirement of layout of large-scale group calisthenics once they are slightly developed and modified; from the perspective of layout creation,the application of national sports form in large-scale group calisthenics in China will have a very promising prospect. Key words:national sports; large-scale group calisthenics; sports culture |
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