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杜晓红1,唐东辉1,陈永发2 |
浏览次数 32508
(1.北京师范大学 体育与运动学院,北京100875;2.北京交通大学 体育部,北京100044) 摘要:对908名大学生进行身体自我量表的测试和体育锻炼现状的问卷调查,结果表明:总体上,大学生对自己的身体状况比较满意;大学生身体自我存在性别差异,男生对自己身体的满意程度显著高于女生;大四学生的身体自我满意程度显著高于其他年级,到研究生阶段有所回落,大二学生的身体自我评价最低;体育专业大学生身体自我满意程度显著高于普通大学生,经常参加体育锻炼的大学生其身体自我显著高于不参加体育锻炼的大学生;来自农村的大学生身体自我满意程度显著高于城市大学生。 关键词:大学生;身体自我;体育锻炼 中图分类号:G804.8文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)06-0099-04
Characteristics of physical self in contemporary college students DU Xiao-hong1, TANG Dong-hui1, CHEN Yong-fa2 |
(1.College of Physical Education and Sport,Beijing Normal University Beijing 100875,China;2.Department of Physical Education,Beijing Jiaotong University,Beijing 100044,China) Abstract:The authors carried out a test of physical self measurement and a questionnaire survey of current status of physical exercise on 908 college students,and revealed the following findings: In general, the college students were relatively satisfied with their own physical conditions; there was a difference in physical self between the male and female college students: the male students had an evidently higher degree of satisfaction with their own bodies than the female students;the students in the fourth grade had an obviously higher degree of physical self satisfaction than the college students in the other grades, which declined at postgraduate stage,while the students in the second grade had the lowest physical self evaluation; the students majoring in physical education had an obviously higher degree of physical self satisfaction than the college students majoring in other areas,while the students who often participated in physical exercise had a remarkably better physical self than the college students who did not participated in physical exercise; the college student from rural areas had a significantly higher degree of physical self satisfaction than the college students from urban areas. Key words: college student; physical self; physical exercise |
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