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宋广林1, 闫之朴2 |
浏览次数 32622
(1.山东师范大学 体育学院,山东 济南250014; 2.山东聊城大学 体育学院,山东 聊城252059) 摘要:采用两台SONY高速摄像机对我国部分男子优秀背越式跳高运动员进行赛场同步拍摄,运用爱捷运动录像反馈系统进行解析。结果表明:在起跳开始瞬间,身体重心的垂直速度较低;起跳腿的髋、膝、踝3关节蹬伸不充分,摆动腿的摆动速度和高度较低,助跑水平速度未能合理地转化为起跳的垂直速度。起跳的垂直速度是影响我国男子跳高运动员成绩的主要因素。 关键词:跳高起跳技术; 三维运动学; 男子跳高运动员; 中国 中图分类号:G8231文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)06-0115-04 |
Three dimensional kinematical analysis of the lift-off technique used by excellent malehigh jumpers in China SONG Guanglin1, YAN Zhipu2 |
(1.College of Physical Education,Shandong Normal University,Jinan 250014,China;2.College of Physical Education,Liaocheng University,Liaocheng 252059,China) Abstract:The authors used two Sony high speed video cameras to shoot part of the excellent male back-crossing style high jumpers in China in the contest field synchronously and analyzed the video by applying Aijie sports video feedback system,and revealed the following findings: At the instant the lift-off began,the vertical speed of the body’s center of gravity was kind of low; the hip joint,knee joint and ankle joint of the lift-off leg were not stretched out sufficient enough,the swinging speed and height of the swinging leg were kind of low,and the horizontal run-up speed failed to be turned into vertical speed rationally;the vertical speed of lift-off was the main factor that affected the performance of male high jumpers in China. Key words:lift-off technique for high jump; three dimensional kinematics; male high jumper; China |
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