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张秀丽, 王群, 肖国强, 王凌娟 |
浏览次数 32630
(华南师范大学 体育科学学院,广东 广州510631) 摘要:通过设计隐形肥胖运动处方,使隐形肥胖大学生能进行科学的体育锻炼,从843名在校大学生中筛选出隐形肥胖者27人,实施为期10周的运动处方,结果表明,受试者肩胛下和肱三头肌的皮褶测试有显著性差异,运动处方的制定体现了隐形肥胖的特点。 关键词:大学生; 隐形肥胖; 运动处方 中图分类号:G804文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2005)06-0133-03 |
The design and implementation of exercise prescription for masked obesity suffered by college students ZHANG Xiuli, WANG Qun, XIAO Guoqiang, WANG Lingjuan |
(College of Physical Education, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631,China) Abstract:The design of exercise prescription for masked obesity enables the college students suffering from masked obesity to do physical exercises scientifically. The authors selected 27 masked obesity sufferers from 843 college students,implemented a 10-week exercise prescription for these sufferers,and revealed the following findings: The test of skin folds of the shoulder and triceps of the testees shows an obvious difference; the establishment of the exercise prescription embodies the characteristics of masked obesity. Key words:college students; masked obesity; exercise prescription |
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