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邓伟明, 孙学川 |
浏览次数 3647
(军事体育进修学院 体能训练研究中心,广东 广州510500) 摘要:评价各种体育课不同教材内容的生理负荷强度,评价高校体育课课质量。采用抽样调查的方法,结合现代数理统计学和运动生理学,对全国部分高校458名“标志学生”的体育课进行生理负荷强度的监测,建立不同教材内容的体育课的生理负荷分布模型,结合当前高校体育课改革成果,从人体运动生理规律的角度,分析体育课的生理负荷强度。 关键词:体育课; 生理负荷强度; 高校体育 中图分类号:G8042文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)04-0063-03 |
An analysis of the physiological load intensity applied to different teaching material contents in physical education courses opened in colleges and universities DENG Weiming, SUN Xuechuan |
(Research Center of Physical Training,PLA Institute of Physical Education,Guangzhou 510500,China) Abstract:The authors evaluated the physiological load intensity applied to different teaching material contents in various physical education courses,and the methods adopted for sampling survey of the quality of physical education courses opened in colleges and universities. By combining with modern mathematical statistics and athletic physiology, the authors monitored the physiological load intensity applied to physical education courses taken by 458 “signature students” in part of colleges and universities in China,and established physiological load distribution models for physical education courses in different teaching materials.By combining with current achievements of reform of physical education courses opened in colleges and universities,and from the perspective of the physiological pattern of human body movement,the authors analyzed physiological load intensity applied to physical education courses. Key words:physical education course; physiological load intensity; colleges physical education |
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