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马宏霞 |
浏览次数 3855
(中州大学 体育部,河南 郑州450005) 摘要:采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和自编问卷测查,发现失聪大学生的心理健康水平明显低于普通大学生。采用失聪生与普通学生同班教学的方式,对失聪大学生实施教育干预,重点以改变其自卑、孤僻、固执、多疑等心理。结果表明,失聪大学生的心理健康水平有提高,并且朝着普通大学生的正常的心理健康方向发展。 关键词:同班教学; 体育课; 失聪生; 高校; 心理健康 中图分类号:G80485;G8114文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)04-0080-03 |
The effect of same class teaching of physical education class on the mental health of deaf college students MA Hongxia |
(Department of Physical Education, Zhongzhou University,Zhengzhou 450005,China) Abstract:Through survey using the symptom self evaluation & measurement forms(SCL-90)and questionnaires established by the author, it showed that the mental health level of deaf college students was significantly lower than that of ordinary college students.By the way to teach deaf college students in the same class with ordinary college students,educational interference was implemented on deaf college students,mainly in order to change their self-contempt,unsociability,stubbornness and distrustfulness.The results of the author’s research indicated that after subjected to same class teaching, the mental health level of deaf college students was enhanced somewhat and developed toward the normal mental health of ordinary college students. Key words:same class teaching; physical education class; deaf student; colleges and universities; mental health |
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