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迟化, 刘东波, 夏忠岩 |
浏览次数 4239
(吉林大学 体育教学与研究中心,吉林 长春130012) 摘要:分析了高校传统耐力跑教学导致的学生厌学情绪和恐惧心理,进行了无痛苦跑的教学实验。指出:极点和痛苦并无健康价值,无痛苦跑不是惧怕和回避痛苦,而是另一种积极面对。结果表明,学生对无痛苦跑支持率为69%,学生恐惧心理和厌学情绪得到明显的改善。 关键词:耐力跑; 无痛苦跑; 恐惧心理; 大学生 中图分类号:G80482文献标识码:A文章编号:1006-7116(2006)04-0083-03 |
The effect of painless running on improving college students’ psychology of running phobia CHI Hua, LIU Dongbo, XIA Zongyan |
(Physical Education and Research Center,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China) Abstract:The authors probed into college students’ emotion and psychology of dislike and fear of traditional endurance running teaching conducted in institutes of higher learning, and clearly pointed out that ultimate limit and pain are valueless to health actually.The painless running put forward by the authors is not to fear of or shy away from pain,but to face the fact positively in another way.The results indicate that the painless running supporting rate among the students is 51%-69%,and that the students’phobic psychology and dislike emotion are remarkably improved. Key words:endurance running; painless running; phobic psychology; college students |
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